Lumbering Oxen Unite!
Ok . . . So we went to a Thai Restaurant called Satara last night, which is fantastic & I highly recommend it, but here's the thing: I belong to the society of Lumbering Oxen. Either that or I should start one & join. No, seriously. Let me explain. We're eating dinner & talking. I thought I was finished chewing, so I spoke & rice kernels came flying out of my mouth! I was so embarrassed I let out an EEP! One problem, is I have a huge tongue (birth defect/deformity) that either gets in my way or dislodges stuff (Eww!). So, my mouth is a problem. My body is a problem too. I have poor gross motor skills (bodily coordination) due to a combination of issues. I'm a walking disaster waiting to happen. It shouldn't bug me so much, but it does. I knew a long time ago that I'd never be a graceful lady in this system, so why be concerned? Well, I'm sure I embarrassed my family & I probably do on a regular basis. I walk & I trip/fall or I open ...